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Why We Serve

Nov 7, 2023

Ugandan Support Diaspora

As the 2023 season comes to its end the executive board has had the pleasure of serving you all and carrying out the mission of U.S.D. Each of us would like to share about what it means to serve and what being a part of U.S.D has done.

Ivan Sekyonda, Secretary

Why do I serve?

I would not have made it to where I am in life without support from my community. There are numerous people out there who do not have such a supportive community, or have been abandoned by their community or whose community is not able to provide for them. 

I serve to step in the gap and to be the community that these people might not have. In my role as secretary I have had a chance to talk to some of the people we work with and the gratitude you see from those they help makes it all worth it. To quote one of the lives USD has touched: 

“Looking at the products I have done gives me hope. I appreciate CGC and USD. You have helped me to see the future ahead of me” - Ruth, a teen mother who attended the Training the Trainers program put on by Concern for the Girl Child and supported by USD.

Our work might not be changing the whole world but to someone out there, we are changing their world and I am proud to be a part of it. 

Ronnie Mugimu, Tresurer

It has been a tremendous honor to serve as the treasurer for Ugandan Support from the Diaspora (USD). When I first got invited to join as a member and hear what good this organization was doing, I thought to myself that donating to such a noble cause was in itself fulfilling. It was not until I was asked to join the managerial board as a treasurer that I felt even more fulfilled. 

Working with a great group of colleagues to create awareness and bring purpose to individuals in the diaspora wanting to give back felt both empowering and humbling. We made several accomplishments including creating a more streamlined and easy way for individuals to make donations and we have given donors a front row seat to knowing how their donations are helping those in need through our published content.

It was always a delight to read the applications from institutions in Uganda seeking funding and knowing that there are others just like USD that would like to make a difference in the lives of individuals in our community. It was eye opening reading about the misfortunes of children, the youth, and parents that my empathy and compassion to do more has grown.

I personally have learned a lot about the accounting and legal reporting requirements related to non-profit organizations and have an appreciation for the work that goes on behind the scenes to keep an organization like USD operating.

I urge and call to you to give what you can to support as a life will be changed, a life could be saved, and most importantly, a stronger community will emerge for generations to come.

Joseph Yawe, Vice President

The idea for USD was born in the wake of the global COVID pandemic, as a group of Ugandans relied on virtual get-togethers to cope with lockdowns and social distancing. There were trivia nights, music sessions, wellness checks, as well as long discussions about life in the diaspora. Before long, we realized how privileged we were to still have a community to support one another during those dark times. We remembered that we stood on the shoulders of giants, and that we too had an opportunity to pay it forward.  

Serving on the leadership team of USD over the last two years has been equally humbling and rewarding! It’s easy to believe that philanthropy is reserved for the wealthy. But I’ve learned that it’s never too little or too early in life to lend a helping hand! We often take for granted the comforts and conveniences of daily living, without realizing how much of an impact we could make in the lives of others. For instance, what we spend to guarantee the convenience of next day delivery could also help a child afford basic necessities like shoes, clothes, food and scholastic materials. And if we work together as a community, perhaps we could build a school or two!!

By working with other charities and organizations on the ground, these are the sort of dreams and causes we champion at USD. Giving children a chance at a better and brighter future through education and healthcare. And we hope that you too can help us keep the flame of this torch burning brightly in as many hands as possible!

Nanette Magezi, President

The opportunity to directly contribute to positive change in the lives of those who are less privileged is why I serve. The ability to provide better access to education, healthcare, clean water and essential resources - all basic human needs, gives me a sense of purpose.

Joshua Ssemwanga, Content Coordinator

In our younger years many of us are taught to share with the people close to us, whether it is with our siblings, friends or people we live with. The value in sharing with those who you have a relationship to is easily seen, as it can strengthen that connection. Through different programs in school and now USD I have had the chance to serve communities and share with people who I don’t know but I am still connected to. I have learned that even though there may not be an immediate reward to myself, my contributions (small or big) have the power to make someone else smile and one person smiling today can lead to the whole community smiling tomorrow, which is why I choose to serve.     

As a content coordinator for USD I get the chance to read and share about what our partner organizations are doing for the communities in Uganda. I also read all the thankful messages from them about how our efforts have helped support their initiatives. As a team we couldn't be happier to read them and as an individual I just want to return the thank you for taking care of our communities.

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